"The way you get to know yourself is by the expressions on other people's faces, because that's the only thing that you can see, unless you carry a mirror about." - Gil Scott-Heron
I unabashedly admit my love for anything far east asian and especially for the Japanese (could it be for the influence of Haruki Murakami?), so when I came across this statement that the Japanese have this saying which talks about how one has three faces, the first for the world, the second for close family and friends and the third one is for oneself, the truest (apparently!) reflection of oneself, I had to think about it long and hard....well, after thinking long and hard for quite sometime I could unfortunately come to no definite conclusion. When I am by myself it's true I am myself but how much of a true reflection is it of me or how much would I know if it is a true reflection, I mean where does the mask end and the real self begins? I wonder if it is true for everyone...or am I the only one suffering from such a dilemma...I would move on to a very different topic now (not totally different though, they are related for sure!)...I saw a youtube video, an animated one, describing the conflicts of the "nice" guy.....so I would just go over the some of the nice and not so nice characteristics of the "nice" guy...
He is an ordinary guy, a nice guy, who hides most of his darker inclinations and twisted thoughts even from himself. He would always open doors and hold them for other people, smile and greet people even if his day was going rather crappy. People including close friends and family, would take advantage of his niceness and the funny thing is he would let them. He would often police himself, a stern glance from a stranger would stop him in his tracks and he would chastise himself. He was just a face in the crowd, people looked through and over him most of the times, he didn't mind the anonymity but sometimes he longed to be heard...The worst part was when he had to confront his deepest darkest desires and his affinity for BDSM when he was alone (the shocking part!)...how guilty he felt in his pleasures and yet he couldn't stop feeling the way he did...and the video goes on to mention that how he is the "nice" guy despite his strange and bizarre needs, because he keeps them hidden...only to let the out very rarely! I felt more confused than ever after watching this video, so is he a nice guy or not? Maybe we are all a little twisted inside, fighting demons inside and keeping the horrible thoughts and inclinations at bay....so that brings us to the question, how much of ourselves are we when we are by ourselves? Does the Japanese saying hold true eventually? I don't know....
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