"I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon." - Author Unknown.
It seems to me that this day has been done to death,
from Archie's, in the good old days to online shopping sites, in
present times, people go looking for a perfect token of love...but
the question remains is there really a perfect way of showing someone
you love them in one day? When I see social sites flooded with
advertisements and personal declarations on this day, I feel a little
nauseated...selfies with big fluffy teddies (a gift of course), or
some other trite stuff...I don't know, it feels somewhat silly or am
I just a tad bit jealous, since we (my partner and I) decided not to
exchange gifts this year....well, I have realized its difficult to
plan surprises when you live with the person, or maybe we are just
too lazy to get into the whole act of planning a surprise! And
there's another part of the planning that we didn't do, how should
one celebrate this day, go for a quiet dinner at home or some where
fancy....so when a friend of mine asked me what are we doing today, I
didn't really have an answer, the funny part is that she didn't have
any clue as well about her plans with her husband!!! This takes me
way back when I was in the eighth grade, and this day was as big as
it was years ago in 1998...I didn't have a special someone in my
life at that time, and there were some girls who like these girls who
strut their gifts in social sites, would parade their cards which
they had received from some admirer or the other( a big thing then!) in front of me...instead of feeling sad, I had an idea, I went to the
gift shop after school that day (I think it was called “Jingles”)
and got me a card...I figured it made sense, since I loved myself the
most and I engraved the same emotion in the card as well.....I am not
sure whether this act of mine borders on self obsession or pity or
maybe something better, like self-sufficiency! But I do feel it is
special to get an anonymous card, its like an unexpected phone call
or a smile from a crush who otherwise wouldn't give you the time of
the day....Its quite like this feeling described in a scene from the
movie “Chung-king Express”, a guy when dumped by his girlfriend of
five years, jogs to sweat out all the water from his body so that
there isn't any left for him to cry...so on his birthday, he decides
to leave his pager behind since he expects no phone calls, but he
gets a call from a woman who wished him happy birthday, (I won't get
into details since that tends to spoils the twists in a movie!)...and
he thinks to himself, that if a memory can be canned ( a memory as
special as this), it shouldn't come with an expiry date and if it
does it should be 10,000 years....I wonder if we get such moments
anymore...or maybe I have outgrown such silly romantic
stuff....although even when I am writing this post I was wondering if
it's too late to get a little something for my husband...
who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves.
So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's
like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you
haven't seen in a long time.”
― Haruki Murakami

― Haruki Murakami
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