Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Written from the Hatter's point of view after Alice left for the real world...

Everything is fine....

Everything is fine and swell,
The beast was killed in an encounter too terrifying to tell...
Little folks flock around the table, eating from the 'unbirthday cake',
There is no other of a better make!
There are no leftovers, there is joy everywhere,
The moon is bright; there is a calm in the air.
A chatter fills the garden, the white rabbit tells a story,
The door mouse breaks in giving him much to worry!
The bloody red queen is long gone,
The pristine white queen had won.
A palpable cheer fills the air, there is joy everywhere.
But something was not quite right, there was something amiss...
Could it be the absence of a pretty young miss?
Alice who fought the beast with great courage and might,
She very much had retained her 'muchness' that night!
And there were so many riddles, 'How long is a moment?' 'How is a raven like a writing desk?'
Who could answer them if she is not there?

But there is joy everywhere....

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